iim not 2ure what iim exactly goiing two be doiing iin here but ii thiink iitll be fun.
2ollux (1) wanted two upload her cookiing reciipe2 on her 2iite but ii dont liike cookiing, ye2 iill never outliive the 2ollux (1) comparatiion2.
ii dont really liike programmiing nowaday2, maiinly becau2e we ab2olutely and royally 2uck at programming here and ii cannot iimport my awe2ome hacker abiliitiie2 iif the body doe2nt have them, 2adly for everyone here. there goe2 our dream of beiing a hacktiivii2t. we can barely make a loop iin python.
iim relatiively new two the 2y2tem but ii, dave (3) and aradiia (2) are ho2tiing nowaday2.